A day in their scrubs

Meet D2 Madison Mack
Hometown: Longview, Texas
Dental school survival strategy: Last year I took school a little too seriously. This year I’ve made an effort to make time for myself and manage my time a little bit better so I can hang out with my friends and enjoy my experience more.
Most productive time of day: Weekends and mornings; 9 a.m. is a very good time for me. On weekdays that time is usually taken up. During finals week when we don’t have class, I go somewhere, either Einstein’s or Panera — I’m on a bagel kick — and eat breakfast. That’s when I’m most productive.
Best way to unwind after a long day in lecture or lab: I don’t tell anyone where I’m going, and I sneak away to the movies to see something that sparks my interest. I take some time to unwind and disappear for a little while at the Angelika. They play some interesting movies, things that require a little extra thought.
Favorite energy food: Dessert. There’s a café down the street from my house called Lucky’s. I’ll go there and have blackberry cobbler. They serve two types every day.
Goal after graduation: I think it will depend on where I am in life. I have thought about pursuing an AEGD. I have also thought about going to do some work overseas. Right now I’m open to just about anything.
What people may not know about you: My entire family lives in one neighborhood in Longview. If you’ve ever seen the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” that’s my family. All 35 of my relatives live in a one-mile radius. We’re Lebanese, so everyone is always eating and drinking. I’m the seventh person in my family to come to Baylor dental school. My sister is a fourth-year. My brother is trying to figure out what dental school in Texas he wants to go to. I have a dad and two uncles, my grandfather and my great uncle who graduated from here.