Dr. George Richards, Class of 1963

Dr. George Richards passed away on April 11 at the age of 79. Richards, a 1963 graduate, was a stalwart supporter of his class, organizing his 50-year reunion in 2013 and keeping boxes worth of mementos from gatherings with classmates. He fulfilled a lifelong dream to become a dentist, spending his 46-year career in private practice in Dallas and Richardson after serving a U.S. Army Dental Corps stint at its outset.
In addition to serving as a clinical assistant professor at the dental school for a number of years, Richards was president of the Dallas County Dental Society in 1983-1984 and was involved in the Texas Dental Association and American Dental Association. Myriad community leadership posts included the Richardson Symphony Orchestra, Richardson Kiwanis Club and others. Read more about Richards’ life in this Dallas Morning News obituary.