Gould joins dental school, Mallonee takes on new role

Texas A&M School of Dentistry welcomed Dr. Douglas J. Gould Feb. 1 as the associate dean for academic affairs.

Gould joins the dental school from Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine in Rochester, Michigan, where he served as professor and chair of the Department of Foundational Medical Studies.
“I am so pleased to have Dr. Gould join the leadership team,” said Dr. Lily T. García, dean. “He brings a variety of academic experiences to the position, such as teaching dental students while on faculty at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine, serving as a vice chair of education for biomedical informatics at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, and most recently, serving as a provost fellow for new initiatives at Oakland University.”
In his 26th year of medical and health professions education, Gould said he’s worked with students and faculty from a variety of backgrounds and with wide-ranging experiences. Throughout his career, he’s strived to build strong working relationships on each campus, and he’s excited about connecting with a new academic community.
“The most exciting part is meeting all the new people and establishing those relationships,” he said. “I just love it; it’s energizing.”
García said the combination of Gould’s academic experience, clear vision from a biomedical perspective and understanding of clinical education will help the dental school advance integration across the predoctoral curriculum.
She also noted his unique leadership experience in civic service as a Rochester City Council member.
“Dr. Gould’s vast experience in both new and legacy programs is an invaluable asset to Texas A&M School of Dentistry,” García said. “He and his team in the newly reorganized Office of Academic Affairs will no doubt strengthen education, a key element of our mission.”
Professor Lisa Mallonee, who was serving as interim associate dean for academic affairs, was named associate dean for faculty affairs, effective June 5, 2023. This is a separate, distinct office and will support faculty success, García said. The responsibilities of the two offices often intersect when there is need for continuous curriculum improvement, which relies heavily on faculty development.

A licensed dental hygienist, Mallonee is a tenured professor, graduate program coordinator and a registered dietitian in the School of Dental Hygiene. Since 2016, she has held an appointed position on the Texas A&M Health Office of Interprofessional Education and Research Leadership Team as the School of Dentistry representative. From 2020 to 2022, she served as chair of the school’s APT Committee, which reviews appointments, promotions and tenures.
Mallonee said her own professional experiences and the mentorship of her colleagues has prepared her for this role.
“My professional experiences in academia for the last 23 years is probably the key element that allows me to better understand the perspective of our faculty,” she said. “Many of the ‘lessons learned’ that I have acquired serve as a guide when identifying faculty development and learning opportunities most needed to promote success.
“Lastly, but not least important is the mentorship I’ve received from colleagues throughout my career that has allowed me to grow professionally to better support my abilities in a leadership position.”
García said she appreciates Mallonee’s leadership and the positive impact she has made at the dental school through the years.
“Her dedication to our faculty, staff and students is to be admired,” she said, “and I know she will bring that same level of commitment, optimism and perseverance to her new position.”