A day in their scrubs

Hometown: Houston, Texas (Clear Lake)
Undergrad Institution: University of Texas at Austin
Why Texas A&M College of Dentistry: I chose Texas A&M College of Dentistry because several dentists I shadowed were Texas A&M College of Dentistry alumni and had great things to say about the program and their training. I had also met some faculty members during undergrad and was appreciative of their endless support and encouragement during my application process. During my interview, I was happy to discover that the college offered several student research opportunities, community dentistry and career development opportunities.
Dental School Success Strategy: Creating a schedule and a to-do list and blocking time to manage work has been very useful for me. It’s easy to get engrossed in one lab assignment or a specific class, but you have to manage your time for all courses and labs. It’s equally important to create a balance and find some time for things you enjoy outside of school.
Favorite Energy Food: Granola bars and fruit.
How You Unwind After a Long Day in Lecture, Lab or Clinic: I like to unwind by getting outdoors and doing something physically active. I’ve enjoyed going on runs, playing soccer, tennis and basketball with friends. These activities have been a fun way to recharge as well as catch up with friends outside of school.
Best Dental School Moment So Far: My best dental school moment so far has been the whole experience. I have met some incredible classmates. Everyone understands that we have different strengths, but we’re willing to help and offer encouragement to one another when needed. The constant class banter and laughter have also been fun to be a part of.
Favorite Patient Care Experience: My favorite patient care experience was when I helped develop a custom night guard. My D4 partner and group leader let me take the lead with some of the procedures at both the initial and fitting appointment. It was an exciting moment applying all the lab exercises, such as taking a bite registration and impressions and making fitting adjustments to a night guard for a patient in the clinic. The patient appreciated our work, and his satisfied look at the end of the appointment was a rewarding experience.
Goal After Graduation: My goal after dental school is to work as an associate dentist under a mentoring dentist to strengthen my clinical training and learn about practice management. I also have an interest in dental research and want to keep up with progress in dental science and education.
What People May Not Know About You: I worked in health care finance and consulting before coming to dental school.