Texas A&M School of Dentistry

Healthy Living

A holiday feast that’s good for your teeth


There’s another thing to be grateful for this Thanksgiving: Many elements of the traditional Turkey Day fare nourish your health and smile.

Thanksgiving — that tried-and-true American holiday with origins tracing back to autumn 1621 — is unique in that the modern-day version revolves almost entirely around a meal.

Lucky for us, much of the holiday spread has side effects other than causing pants to fit a bit more snugly after enjoying. Turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberries and even pumpkin pie — yes, pumpkin pie! — are packed with nutrients ranging from phosphorous to vitamins A and C, translating to stronger tooth enamel, and even prevention of loose teeth and oral cancer.

So go ahead. Celebrate, and dig in — but for the sake of your health eat a slice and not the whole pie.

Give Thanks for a Healthy Smile


  • Rich in phosphorus
  • Aids in tooth development
  • Rebuilds tooth enamel
  • Helps prevent bone loss

Spinach, kale, brussels sprouts, broccoli

  • Supply vitamins A&C
  • Help prevent bleeding gums, loose teeth and oral cancer


  • Prevent bacteria from sticking to your teeth


  • Full of nutrients, and unlike other starchy foods, they don’t stick to your teeth

Pumpkin pie

  • Good source of vitamin C, iron, niacin and potassium