Texas A&M College of Dentistry

Alumni Impact

Alumni Association names new officers


The Texas A&M School of Dentistry’s Alumni Association has new board leadership in place and is gearing up this fall to continue their mission of enhancing the academic and professional careers and experiences of current and future alumni of the school.

The new officers were announced last month during a brief business meeting at the Hilton Anatole during the Southwest Dental Conference. The meeting was followed by a happy hour reception sponsored by the dental school and the Texas A&M Foundation.

“It was terrific being together again and catching up with our colleagues and former classmates,” says Dr. Julie Stelly ’87, who is the new Alumni Association president.  Stelly looks forward to continuing her service to the school and its students and graduates.

“As alumni, it is not just our duty to give back but also an honor to help carry on our school’s legacy,” she says.

Dr. Chad Capps ’08, MS ’14 was honored for outstanding leadership and dedication during his extended term as president due to the pandemic. He is the current immediate past president. Dr. Danette McNew ’88 concluded several years of alumni board service, most recently as immediate past president. Other newly elected officers are Dr. Anthony Mendez ’04, president-elect, and Lana Crawford, RDH ’68, secretary/treasurer.