Texas A&M School of Dentistry

On Campus

Caruth students shine at annual Texas meeting

Scholarships, research awards and student delegate appointments

A lot happens during the joint annual meeting of the Texas Dental Hygienists’ Association and the Texas Dental Hygiene Educators Association. There are table clinic competitions, award presentations and leadership elections, to name a few. And dental hygiene students from across the state are a part of it all.

Here’s a closer look at some of the honors students from Texas A&M College of Dentistry’s Caruth School of Dental Hygiene received during the 2017 annual session from Jan. 27-29 in San Marcos, Texas.

Table clinics and research

Iksaa Manzouri, Melina Ruiz-Alvarez
Iksaa Manzouri, Melina Ruiz-Alvarez

Of the 21 student groups presenting research during the weekend, top finishes came to both sets of Caruth presenters for their table clinics.

  • Second-year dental hygiene students Iksaa Manzouri and Melina Ruiz-Alvarez placed second for their table clinic, “Pomegranate – the Walking Pharmacy: A Therapeutic Adjunct for Treatment of Periodontal Disease.” Faculty mentor: Mary Vu.
  • Kim Latko, Eric Gardner
    Kim Latko, Eric Gardner

    Following closely in their footsteps were second-year dental hygiene students Eric Gardner and Kim         Latko, third-place finishers for their table clinic, “Technically a Tragedy: The Infection Control Risks with Modernization.” Faculty mentor: Leigh Ann Wyatt.


    Two Caruth students received scholarships based on their leadership, academic standing and service to the community:

    • Shalane Heath; Adriana Cornejo
      Shalane Heath; Adriana Cornejo

      Second-year dental hygiene student Shalane Heath was awarded the TDHA Scholarship.

    • First-year dental hygiene student Adriana Cornejo was awarded the Nicole Eusebio Memorial Service Scholarship.

Texas Dental Hygienists’ Association leadership

Morgan Hardison
Morgan Hardison

Morgan Hardison, first-year dental hygiene student, was elected as a 2017-2018 student delegate to the TDHA. In this role, she’ll represent the Texas student chapter of the American Dental Hygienists’ Association during annual meetings, vote on key issues, write an article for the TDHA Times and, when possible, attend TDHA Board of Directors meetings.