Texas A&M School of Dentistry


New quality enhancement plan for TAMBCD

Faculty and students alike stand to benefit from a new quality enhancement plan that will launch this month at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry. The new plan, titled “Teaching, Evaluating and Applying Critical Thinking in Healthcare” — TEACTH ... Read More


TAMBCD’s pipeline program making strides for access to education and health care, Lacy tells House committee

When Dr. Ernie Lacy graduated from Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry in 1994, she was one of eight students who identified themselves as underrepresented minorities. At that time, the group constituted just 8 percent of her graduating class. ... Read More


Dental problem, dental solution

Texas schools have teamed up to create a standardized course for the treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders. On June 11, after more than two years of hearings, proposals and discussions, a new rule regarding how Texas dentists may diagnose and ... Read More


Sharper image

New radiology residency will feature interprofessional training with A&M College of Medicine. [...] Read More


Outreach program inspires future dentists

Each year members of the Future Dentist Club visit the college as part of a program that introduces dental medicine as a potential career path. Strains of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” soar from dental student Ryan Trevino’s ukulele at Texas ... Read More


Chords of achievement

High school seniors in the TAMBCD-sponsored Future Dentist Club receive a special graduation honor. Next stop: the predental track at their respective universities. [...] Read More


Dentists of tomorrow

Members of the Future Dentists Club tried their hand at sealant application. [...] Read More


From the chair

Advising future dentists from the patient’s perspective [...] Read More