Texas A&M School of Dentistry


Seeing double

The two top-ranking students in the Class of 2014 have more in common than strong study prowess. It could have something to do with their DNA. Patrick and Austin Hodges, No. 1 and No. 2 in this year’s graduating dental ... Read More


A day in their scrubs

Meet up-and-coming pediatric dentistry graduate student and now also family man, Zach Alleman, who, during his final year in dental school, adopted two baby boys. [...] Read More


A day in their scrubs

Meet D4 fiancés Ari Valverde and Brad Vermeulen. [...] Read More


Patient advocacy beyond the dental chair

This resident dove headfirst into the action with health care reform to determine how it serves a special population: pediatric dental patients. By mid-April, more than 8 million Americans had signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. ... Read More


A day in their scrubs

Dental school can be tough. Luckily, Hemphill brothers Blake, a D3, and Jay, a D1, have the built-in support system of a sibling on board. [...] Read More


A day in their scrubs

Chris Gonzales is a joker. Voted D2 Class Clown, he isn’t shy about sharing his love for his classmates. From what he tells us, breaking into impromptu cheers and even song is a regular occurrence for the Class of 2016 — especially before exams. [...] Read More


Two are better than one

Each year, approximately 50 second-year dental students nationwide are awarded predoctoral scholarships from the American Dental Association Foundation. This year, two TAMBCD students received the honor. [...] Read More


2014 BJ Long Memorial Scholarship recipients

Dallas Dental Hygienists’ Society members were so impressed with this year’s applicants they awarded the scholarship to all of them. [...] Read More


White Coat Ceremony

Nearly halfway into their dental school careers, students of the Class of 2016 don a new look. [...] Read More


A day in their scrubs

Meet D2 Madison Mack, a third-generation TAMBCD student, at one of her homework-hour haunts, which just so happens to serve cobbler every day. [...] Read More