Texas A&M School of Dentistry

Start of something good

TAMBCD welcomes the classes of 2015 and 2017. 8:30 a.m., Monday, Aug. 12: The college’s newest students shuffled through the doors for orientation, marking the start of academic journeys two to four years in the making. As of mid-June, Texas ... Read More

Life after “Bachelorette”

If D4 Mike Ross thought he could remain anonymous after a stint on ABC's “The Bachelorette,” he had another thing coming. Some of the attention has come from unlikely sources. Dr. Ali Bolouri, professor in restorative sciences, is an avid ... Read More

Champion team

Looks like team spirit

TAMBCD students claim the YMCA Dallas volleyball championship. YMCA volleyball hath no wrath like the Fluoride Fury. On June 20 this team — comprised almost entirely of Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry students — finished its seven-game season ... Read More

A sign of caring

In high school, Chris Cramer experienced life on the outside when he visited a cafeteria as the only hearing person among a group of 150 young people at Texas School for the Deaf in Austin, Texas. “I was the different ... Read More