Congrats, 2021 honors students

Academic Honors and Awards
Dental Class of 2021
First Scholastic Honors Gold Medal Winner
- Robert William Rudnicki
Second Scholastic Honors
- Daniel Lee Tannen
Third Scholastic Honors
- Michelle Yinyue Kwan
Fourth Scholastic Honors
- Mackenzie Sautter
Cumulative Dean’s Honor List
- Dana A. Aborahma
- Krizia Anabelle Acosta
- Travis Carby Aduddell
- Kalani Leigh Basham
- Rajvi P. Bhagat
- Kai Imani Alexandria Codner
- Francesca Clarice Daigle
- Sanjeeth S. George
- Lauren Elizabeth Getz
- Rochelle Ronna Hajikhani
- Michelle Yinyue Kwan
- Elida Nycol Meyer
- Lora Alexandra Moore
- Kenny Nguyen
- Okeysolom Kenneth Oradiegwu Jr.
- Jim Royce Pichon
- Robert William Rudnicki
- Mackenzie Sautter
- Charles Martin Stocks
- Daniel Lee Tannen
Elected to Honorary Scholastic Society Omicron Kappa Upsilon
- Dana A. Aborahma
- Kalani Leigh Basham
- Rajvi P. Bhagat
- Kai Imani Alexandria Codner
- Francesca Clarice Daigle
- Sanjeeth S. George
- Lauren Elizabeth Getz
- Michelle Yinyue Kwan
- Robert William Rudnicki
- Mackenzie Sautter
- Daniel Lee Tannen
- Cynthia Udeh
Dental Hygiene Class of 2021
First Scholastic Honors Gold Medal Winner
- Ashley J. Heim
Second Scholastic Honors
- Vianec Olvera
Third Scholastic Honors
- Taylor Nicole Price
Cumulative Dean’s Honor List
- Madison Elizabeth Busch
- Ashley J. Heim
- Claire Noelle McMahon
- Vianec Olvera
- Taylor Nicole Price
- Diane Tang
Elected to Honorary Scholastic Society Sigma Phi Alpha
- Ashley J. Heim
- Allyson Howerton
- Vianec Olvera
Clinical Awards
Dental Class of 2021
Dana A. Aborahma
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Washington A. Akharamen
- George Barnes Preventive Dentistry Award
- International College of Dentists Student Humanitarian Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Ryan Ngotcho Allo
- Comprehensive Dentistry Program Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Brenda Maria Alvarez
- Gold Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Andrea Carolina Angulo
- Society for Color and Appearance in Dentistry
Kalani Leigh Basham
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Drew Caldwell Bell
- Texas Academy of General Dentistry Award
Rajvi P. Bhagat
- American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Jessica Christian Bragg
- Warren Parker Community Dentistry Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Kai Imani Alexandria Codner
- Baylor Oral Health Foundation Centennial Award
- Texas A&M College of Dentistry Alumni Association Dental Student Award
- American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Award
- The Dr. D. Lamar Byrd Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Award
- Southwest Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Francesca Clarice Daigle
- American Association of Endodontists Award
- American Student Dental Association Award of Excellence
- Dallas Section of the American Association of Dental Research Student Award
- Pierre Fauchard Academy Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Andrew Michael Dossett
- Quintessence Award for Clinical Achievement in Restorative Dentistry
Aimee Duong
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Brady Kyle Ferguson
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Sanjeeth S. George
- American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Outstanding Award
- International Congress of Oral Implantologists Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Lauren Elizabeth Getz
- Southwest Academy of Restorative Dentistry Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Rochelle Ronna Hajikhani
- American Association of Orthodontists Award
- The William and Jessamine Younger Endowed Scholarship in Orthodontics
Hayden S. Han
- Academy of Operative Dentistry Award
Evan Michael Johnson
- American Equilibration Society Award
- Comprehensive Dentistry Program Award
Michelle Yinyue Kwan
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Destiny Marie Lopez
- The Academy of Dentistry International Student Servant Leadership Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Velina J. Lopez
- Certificate in Education for Healthcare Professionals
- American Academy of Implant Dentistry Award
- Comprehensive Dentistry Program Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Lauren E. Louis
- Gold Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Daniel Argenis Maldonado
- Gold Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Mark Medhat Mehany
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Sebastian Mejia
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Elida Nycol Meyer
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Muhammad Abdullah Murad
- Gold Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Ranna Ashraf Nasreldin
- Comprehensive Dentistry Program Award
Erik Phuc-Yuan Ng
- American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Award
- Comprehensive Dentistry Program Award
Shannon Yvi Nguyen
- American Academy of Oral Medicine Award
Walter Olisakodiaka Nwaokolo
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Ashly Ezinne Okoli
- Certificate in Education for Healthcare Professionals
- Gold Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Okeysolom Kenneth Oradiegwu, Jr.
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Ankur Harshad Patel
- American Academy of Orofacial Pain Award
Jim Royce Pichon
- American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Implant Award
Gelise M. Porter
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Lianna Faith Pulliam
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Cicely Kay Quade
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Richard Robert Rodriguez
- Texas Section of the American College of Dentists Outstanding Student Leadership Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Luis Felipe Rucobo-Alvarado
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Robert William Rudnicki
- Quintessence Award for Research Achievement
- American Prosthodontic Society Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Shahzeb A. Saiyed
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Lucely Santillan
- American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Award
Mackenzie Sautter
- American Dental Society of Anesthesiology Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Jayson Dewayne Scroggins
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Macy Renee Shirley
- Texas Association of Women Dentists Outstanding Female Dental Student Award
Daniel Lee Tannen
- Comprehensive Dentistry Program Award
- The Merritt-Parks Award in Periodontology
Kathryn Lynn Tucker
- Horace R. Beachum Award in Denture Prosthesis
Cynthia Udeh
- The Academy of Osseointegration Outstanding Dental Student in Implant Dentistry Award
- American College of Prosthodontists Award
- Rudolph Hanau Prosthodontic Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Allen George Varghese
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Andrew John Vlosich
- Gold Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Paris Ivell Webb
- International College of Dentists Student Leadership Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
- Bernhard Gottlieb Memorial Award in Oral Pathology
- Quintessence Award for Clinical Achievement in Periodontics
- Texas Dental Association Outstanding Senior Dental Student Award
Kinny Teresa Xavier
- American Academy of Periodontology Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Dental Hygiene Class of 2021
Sana Anwar
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Joyce A. Atkens
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Madison Elizabeth Busch
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Candace R. Earp
- Geriatric Patient Care Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Flor Ruby Eguia
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Keely Ehlers
- Baylor Oral Health Foundation Centennial Award
- Community Dentistry and Dental Public Health Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
- The Dental Hygiene Student Total Achievement Award
- The Sigma Phi Alpha Dental Hygiene Research Award
Sereniti Alexis Gary
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Ashley J. Heim
- Phi Kappa Phi Gathright Outstanding Junior Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Allyson Howerton
- The Preventive Dentistry Award
- The Sigma Phi Alpha Dental Hygiene Research Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
Sophia Younghyun Jang
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Claire Noelle McMahon
- The Outstanding Patient Management Award
Nancy Medina-Zamora
- Academy of Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities Award
- The George B. Clendenin Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Vianec Olvera
- The Phillip Earle Williams Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Texas A&M College of Dentistry Alumni Association Dental Hygiene Student Award
Jordynn Danielle Palmer
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Andrea Kaye Rader
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Eyra Anay Salazar
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Diane Tang
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Shermy Mary Thomas
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
Anna L. Trujillo
- Academy of Dentistry for Persons with Disabilities Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
Kali Ann White
- The Dental Hygiene Student Total Achievement Award
- Gold Medal Recipient in Research and Scholarly Activity Excellence Track Award
- Silver Medal Recipient in Leadership and Service Excellence Track Award
- Bronze Medal Recipient in Teaching and Education Excellence Track Award
- Sigma Phi Alpha Dental Hygiene Research Award