Texas A&M School of Dentistry

In the Community

Disparities of a diverse population


Finding ways to meet the needs of the underserved at the 2014 Center of Excellence Conference

Adequate access to dental care is not the norm for all communities. For many in Dallas and throughout the state it’s the exception, which is why the 2014 Center of Excellence Oral Health Conference will focus on what professionals can do to help these underserved patient groups.

On March 29 at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, three presenters from the medical and dental professions will provide information and practical solutions that oral health professionals can take with them back to their practices.

Dr. Nora Gimpel, chief of the community medicine division in UT Southwestern’s family medicine department, will provide an overview of U.S. health care disparities and discuss how public policy, education and other approaches may improve access for underserved groups. Dr. William Wathen, associate professor in general dentistry at TAMBCD, will discuss the role of interpersonal relationships and psychosocial understanding in helping patients achieve and maintain healthy mouths. Dr. John Wright, Regents Professor and chair of diagnostic sciences at TAMBCD, will review the common oral diseases and conditions affecting patients in underserved groups.

This conference is made possible by a $3.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, awarded in 2012 to establish a Center of Excellence at the dental school.

The details

Center of Excellence 2014 Oral Health Conference – “Addressing Oral Health Disparities: Access and Quality Care for All”

When: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., Saturday, March 29; registration begins at 8:30 a.m.

Where: Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, Room 134

Who may attend: alumni and other dentists, dental auxiliaries, faculty, residents, students, predental students

Continuing education credit: three hours lecture

To register: Go to the college’s continuing education website and scroll through the 2013-2014 courses until you find the March 29 conference; select the course and follow the registration prompts.

—Jenny Fuentes