Giving — and receiving — recognition when it is due

National honors for Campbell
Dr. Phillip Campbell has spent decades as a cheerleader for orthodontics at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, championing the work of countless residents, faculty and alumni and ensuring that recognition is given when recognition is due.
Now it’s his turn in the limelight.
On April 30, the American Board of Orthodontics awarded Campbell the Dale B. Wade Award of Excellence in Orthodontics during the board’s annual luncheon, which coincided with the American Association of Orthodontists 2016 Annual Session in Orlando, Florida. The award is given to an exemplary senior clinician and board-certified orthodontist who demonstrates exceptional dedication to orthodontics through clinical experience and/or devoted teaching in the image of Wade, a past president of the ABO.
A significant portion of Campbell’s dedication to TAMBCD specifically has concentrated on fundraising efforts, including the funding and establishment of the following:
- Robert E. Gaylord Endowed Chair in Orthodontics
- Tom Matthews Endowed Lectureship in Orthodontics
- Peter H. Buschang Endowed Professorship in Orthodontics; endowed chair, in development
Inspiration for these efforts comes from Campbell’s stalwart efforts to give back to the profession, and the results serve to keep the spirit of orthodontic excellence and collegial ties strong from one class of residents to the next.
“The individuals who actually deserve the credit for this honor are our residents and our faculty who so selflessly shared their expertise with us over many years,” Campbell says. “It is indeed humbling to look at the list of former winners of the Dale B. Wade Award of Excellence,” he continues. “Many of my teachers, namely Rick Aubrey, Ed Genecov and Wick Alexander, have previously received this honor. Therefore, I humbly accept this award knowing that there are many colleagues who are more deserving.”
Campbell, a 1971 alumnus of the dental school, completed his master’s degree in orthodontics at the college in 1973. After practicing clinical orthodontics for more than 30 years in Huntsville, Texas, Campbell returned to his alma mater in 2005 as clinic director in the Department of Orthodontics, has held the Robert E. Gaylord Endowed Chair since 2006 and was appointed department chair in 2010.
In the years that followed he has been inducted into the TAMBCD Hall of Fame and received the Distinguished Alumnus Award from both the dental school and orthodontics department. In 2014, Campbell received the Martin Dewey Memorial Award, the highest award given by the Southwestern Society of Orthodontists.