LIGHT shines at Vogel Alcove

Members of LIGHT, a student organization at Texas A&M University College of Dentistry, volunteered at Dallas nonprofit Vogel Alcove on July 22 to bring oral health education and school supplies to children of families experiencing homelessness.
The 15 dental student participants presented a Tooth Talk aided by puppets and teeth models to give a brushing and flossing demonstration to a group of 35 children, ranging from ages 6 to 13. The LIGHT members led hands-on activities and games with the children to reinforce good oral health practices and the importance of nutrition.
The participants also delivered school supplies that were gathered during LIGHT’s back-to-school drive on the dental college campus in July. Four large boxes filled with pencils, pens, coloring materials, notebooks, folders, scissors and glue were distributed.
Third-year dental student Kimberly Jacinto, LIGHT’s president, emphasizes the organization’s commitment to serving the community.
“This event allowed us to provide short-term supplies for school and long-term knowledge for caries prevention,” she says.
Fourth-year dental student Jean Cala, event organizer and LIGHT’s vice president and dental leader, is enthusiastic about supporting Vogel Alcove’s mission of helping children succeed in life despite their circumstances.
“We support their organization in hopes that these children will grow with values that coincide with LIGHT’s core values: leadership, unity and service,” she says.