Looks like team spirit

L to R: (Back row) D3 Shanna Williams; D4 Steven Williams; D3 Brandon Tivis; D4 Robyn Bucy; and D4 Justin Reed. (Front row) Dr. David Nguyen ’13; Ross Holdeman; and D3 Katie Beggs.
TAMBCD students claim the YMCA Dallas volleyball championship.
YMCA volleyball hath no wrath like the Fluoride Fury. On June 20 this team — comprised almost entirely of Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry students — finished its seven-game season on a strong note. The double elimination playoff win makes them the official champions of the T. Boone Pickens YMCA Spring 2013 Coed Volleyball League.
L to R: (Back row) D3 Shanna Williams; D4 Steven Williams; D3 Brandon Tivis; D4 Robyn Bucy; and D4 Justin Reed. (Front row) Dr. David Nguyen ’13; Ross Holdeman; and D3 Katie Beggs.