Global presidency for Sones

Dr. Amerian Sones, clinical associate professor and executive director of continuing education, was elected president of the Academy of Osseointegration and is serving until March 2023 as the organization’s 38th president.
“We are the implant source, the implant organization of the world,” Sones says of the academy, which boasts 5,000 members across 70 countries. It was formed in the 1980s to support the education and advancement of dental implants.
“This group is a little different from most organizations because we include all specialists,” Sones explains. “We have periodontists, oral surgeons, prosthodontists, endodontists, orthodontists and general dentists in our group. Most organizations are only for oral surgery, or only for perio. This one emphasizes the team approach of treating patients.”
Sones’ election took place in February during the academy’s annual meeting in San Diego, its first in-person gathering in several years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She adds that she has been part of the academy since the 1990s and has spent about 10 years on the board of directors and in a variety of other leadership roles.
As president, she wants to continue the organization’s emphasis on education and availability to anyone. This includes the academy’s two journals, professional certificates, educational opportunities for schools, and webinars open to practicing dentists as well as students.
“I’ve really enjoyed collaborating with all the faculty and all the members I’ve known over the years,” she says. “They’re the ‘Who’s Who’ of implant dentistry. I feel so honored to serve the academy at its highest level. I have a lot of work to do and a lot of service to do, but I also want to include our school in some of the benefits that the AO has with some of the student webinars and things like that.”
More information about the Academy of Osseointegration can be found at