Oh, the places TAMBCD will go!

As kids prep for another year of classes, the college’s volunteers set out for several Metroplex back-to-school fairs.
August is a busy time for the public health sciences department and volunteers throughout the dental school. That’s because Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry has made it a mission to ensure that kids in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area have healthy smiles as they embark on another year of learning.
Thousands of schoolchildren — all of whom are economically disadvantaged and don’t have ready access to school supplies, much less routine dental care — benefit from the college’s efforts. TAMBCD students and faculty provide free dental screenings, fluoride varnishes and oral health education at each of the four events, while staff volunteers register families and help maintain order as thousands of schoolchildren and their parents rotate through the dental school’s stations.
The Aug. 1 Dallas Mayor’s Back to School Fair at Fair Park is the largest venue with a TAMBCD presence. Of the 15,000 qualifying schoolchildren in attendance at the fair in 2012, more than 1,000 sought care from the dental school. A similar turnout is expected this year.
The college serves several other communities throughout the month, including:
Fort Worth
Tarrant County Back to School Roundup
Aug. 7
Will Rogers Memorial Center
Irving ISD School Supplies for Success
Aug. 17
Irving High School
Backpack Back to School Giveaway
Aug. 17
Northplace Church
To volunteer at future fairs or to find out more about how you can help, contact Leeanna Bartlett, director of social services, at ext. 8353.