Oral Pathology Services provides world-class insight and support

Texas A&M Dentistry Oral Pathology Services (OPS) – one of the larger biopsy services in the United States – boasts a history of providing exemplary service to the practicing community.
Started in 1980, service today is provided by four board-certified oral pathologists – laboratory director Dr. John Wright, Dr. Victoria Woo, Dr. Madhu Shrestha and Dr. Leticia Ferreira Cabido.
Services offered include processing and interpretation of biopsy specimens and clinical and radiologic consultations.
“This is a monumental service to the practicing community,” Wright said. “All four of us are available for chairside consultations. We’re there to help them manage their patients in any way we can.”
Wright said advances in digital technology have enhanced consultations because they’re now able to review photos and help the dentist determine if a biopsy is even needed. All four of the pathologists also have clinical training, giving them a unique perspective of oral diseases and an in-depth understanding of the treatments required.
“All of us have experience seeing clinical patients where we treat those patients and use that experience to advise others who are treating people with the same diseases,” Wright said. “We understand the clinical challenges, and we’re available in a variety of ways to help colleagues make the best decisions for their patients.”
Texas A&M OPS has one of the largest oral pathology databases in the world, which serves not only the practicing community and their patients, but also contributes significantly to the academic mission of the school and university.
Texas A&M School of Dentistry has had an oral pathology residency since 1999. Woo, who is director of the residency, pointed out that “in addition to the quality of the faculty, the biopsy service and the experience it provides residents gives the school a competitive advantage attracting the best oral pathology residency candidates.” Most of the residents utilize the database for their master’s thesis research.
The OPS team is committed to providing the best diagnostic service available and training residents in the discipline, so they work to remain abreast of new developments in the field of head and neck pathology.
“We sincerely appreciate and take seriously the confidence and trust the practicing community places in us, and we’re here to serve them, to improve the quality of care they can provide their patients,” Wright said.
Additionally, the lab offers free biopsy kits, free mailing of specimens and one-day turnaround after the specimen is received. For more information, visit the lab’s website, email oralpath@tamu.edu or call 214-828-8111.