Texas A&M College of Dentistry

Research and Innovations

Periodontics publications


Meyers Tomlin E, Kerns DG, Kessler HP, Rossmann JA, Abraham CM, Al-Hashimi I, Beach MM, Solomon ES. Comparison of ridge preservation using dermis allograft tissue matrix membrane versus connective tissue graft: a human and histological study. Journal of Contemporary Dentistry 2014; 4:10-16.

Mikuls TR, Payne JB, Yu F, Thiele GM, Reynolds RJ, Cannon GW, Markt J, McGowan D, Kerr GS, Redman RS, Reimold A, Griffiths G, Beatty M, Gonzalez SM, Bergman DA, Hamilton BC 3rd, Erickson AR, Sokolove J, Robinson WH, Walker C, Chandad F, O’Dell JR. Periodontitis and Porphyromonas gingivalis in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis. Arthritis & Rheumatology 2014 May; 66(5): 1090–1100.

Pope JD, Rossmann JA. Treating periodontal diseases with laser therapy. Dimensions of Dental Hygiene; June 2014: 53-59.

Koch T, Al-Hashimi I, Koffman BM, Deshpande A, and Khuder SA. Comorbidities associated with Sjögren’s syndrome: Results from the nationwide inpatient sample. Translation: The University of Toledo Journal of Medical Sciences 2014; 1(1): 4-8.

Several faculty members contributed to a special issue of The Open Dentistry Journal, published in May 2014.

Citations include:

Al-Hashimi I. Advances in implant dentistry, editorial. The Open Dentistry Journal 2014 May; 8: 49.

Abraham C. A brief historical perspective on dental implants, their surface coatings and treatments. The Open Dentistry Journal 2014 May; 8: 50-55.

Liu J, Kerns D. Mechanisms of guided bone regeneration: a review. The Open Dentistry Journal 2014 May; 8: 56-65.

Tomlin E, Nelson S, Rossmann J. Ridge preservation for implant therapy: a review of the literature. The Open Dentistry Journal 2014 May; 8: 66-76.

Valderrama P, Blansett J, Gonzalez MG, Cantu MG, Thomas GW. Detoxification of implant surfaces affected by peri-implant disease: an overview of non-surgical methods. The Open Dentistry Journal 2014 May; 8: 77-84.