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Black History Month: Dr. Smith
Dr. Carmen Smith, Smith Family Dentistry, Dallas Professional degrees: BA, 1992; DDS, 1996; MBA, 2009 Years you held Dallas County Dental Society president position: 2017-2018 What being the “first” in that role meant to you: Being the first Black president ...
Good things come in threes
A slew of research grants, strong departmental support, fulfilling mentoring roles and now a chance to grow his influence in the mineralized tissue world has Yongbo “Bob” Lu, associate professor in biomedical sciences, thinking that coming to Texas A&M College ...
Interprofessional excellence
It was a victorious trifecta for Texas A&M College of Dentistry as students and faculty picked up several Interprofessional Education Excellence Awards at the annual IPER 6 Interprofessional Education and Research Symposium.
A nod to exceptional service
Dr. Lynne Opperman, department head of biomedical sciences, recently received the A.J. Ladman Exemplary Service Award from the American Association for Anatomy for her contributions to anatomical sciences. The service award is given periodically to members who have “provided exceptional service ...
Black History Month: Dr. Stewart
Dr. Kelton Stewart, chair and graduate program director, Department of Orthodontics and Oral Facial Genetics, Indiana University School of Dentistry. Professional degrees: DDS, 2006; Orthodontics certificate, 2008; Master’s in health professions education, 2008. What your current role means to you ...
February Stars of the Month
Congrats to this month's Distinguished Person of the Month award winners. Every month, our Student Council chooses two students, two faculty members and a staffer who exemplify excellence.
Filling a special-needs void
With a special-needs daughter who had slipped into a “dental desert,” a frustrated mom pleaded with Dr. Dan Burch, clinical assistant professor in pediatric dentistry, to not only hear her but—if he could—help her. That gut-punch of reality born from ...
A day in their scrubs
Hometown: I was born in Bethesda, Maryland, and moved to Raleigh, North Carolina, about a month later. I then moved to Texas when I was almost 7. I still LOVE the East Coast. Undergrad institution: I have a bachelor’s in ...
Progress notes
Dr. Robert G. Triplett, Regents Professor in oral and maxillofacial surgery, recently received the Robert V. Walker Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. For Triplett, the award is even more meaningful and humbling because ...
January Stars of the Month
Congrats to this month's Distinguished Person of the Month award winners. Every month, our Student Council chooses two students, two faculty members and a staffer who exemplify excellence.
Progressive vision wins accolades
Texas A&M University College of Dentistry has been selected for the 2021 Gies Award for Vision – Academic Dental Institution for significant contributions to oral health and dental education.
December Stars of the Month
Congratulations to our December Distinguished Person of the Month winners: faculty, staff and students who positively affect those around them with their can-do spirit.