Texas A&M School of Dentistry

Recent Posts

  • Prioritizing students’ physical and mental health needs

    Attending school can be a challenging balancing act for dental and dental hygiene students. There is rigorous coursework, a major time and financial commitment, plus personal obligations off campus. For some students, mental and physical needs can go unmet. Recognizing ...

  • GRACE luncheon returns honoring ‘unsung heroes’

    Staff members in security, facilities and environmental services were honored Nov. 29 at the annual GRACE event.  GRACE - “Gathering Respectfully to Appreciate Compassionate Employees” - was created to recognize and thank staff members for their hard work. The event ...

  • Holiday fun ahead of finals

    A series of holiday events helped ring in the season and provided a festive break leading up to final exams at Texas A&M School of Dentistry. “I was just telling someone that this time of year is really stressful for ...

  • A day in their scrubs

    Daniel Hupp is a third-year dental student at Texas A&M School of Dentistry. Before that, he was a Naval Flight Officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. Where did you get your undergraduate degree? I went to the University of South ...

  • What are you thankful for?

    We have a lot to be thankful for here at Texas A&M School of Dentistry. We asked some of our community what they're most thankful for this year. Watch the video here!

  • In dogged pursuit

    Fozzie’s eyes slowly close, and as he begins to lightly snore in the middle of a lecture, dental hygiene student Cora Owens exchanges knowing smiles with her classmates. The goldendoodle is the only student allowed to sleep during class, but ...

  • Our People

    Angela Wilson wears several hats at Texas A&M School of Dentistry. She is program coordinator for public health sciences and the office of social services, as well as the school’s tobacco counselor. With 22 years on the job, Wilson has ...

  • TMJ disorders call for conservative care

    Opening and closing your mouth is an action taken for granted by most people, but if you suffer from temporomandibular disorders, it can be painful and lead to a myriad of other problems in the head and neck.

  • School honors veterans

    Texas A&M School of Dentistry celebrated its veterans and military service members with a Veterans Day breakfast and wellness walk Nov. 10. “I’m surprised how many vets we have,” said Dr. George Cramer, clinical associate professor in comprehensive dentistry and ...

  • HSDA celebrates Día de los Muertos

    The Hispanic Student Dental Association marked Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, with pastries and an ofrenda Nov. 3. Third-year dental student Alondra Dominguez, vice president of the HSDA, explained that Día de los Muertos is a ...

  • Faculty honored at tenure and promotion celebration

    Texas A&M School of Dentistry faculty members who had earned a promotion and/or achieved tenure were celebrated at a breakfast Nov. 9. This is the first celebration hosted at the school, planned by Professor Lisa Mallonee, associate dean for faculty ...

  • Promise of a bright future

    The dental hygiene class of 2025 and dental class of 2027 received their white coats Nov. 3, marking a rite of passage in their education. During the ceremony at Criswell College, students committed to continuous professional improvement, caring for the ...