Texas A&M College of Dentistry

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  • taking screenings out to seniors in the community

    Dental ‘house calls’ guide seniors to access care

    Faculty, residents conduct screenings at facilities serving seniors.

  • student-research-3

    A taste of research: Part 3

    Research took center stage this summer for participants in the Predoctoral Student Research Program at Texas A&M College of Dentistry, who spent eight weeks working in labs around campus.

  • dr-qin

    Qin joins NIH review committee

    The accolades continue for Dr. Chunlin Qin, professor in biomedical sciences at Texas A&M College of Dentistry, whose research expertise has been tapped for a national appointment. 

  • A taste of research: Part 2

    Research took center stage this summer for participants in the Predoctoral Student Research Program at Texas A&M College of Dentistry, who spent eight weeks working in labs around campus. For a behind-the-scenes glimpse, we asked three groups of student researchers ...

  • Dr. Byron "Pete" Bens0n

    Saying goodbye after 30 years

    As Dr. Byron “Pete” Benson, Regents Professor in diagnostic sciences and imaging center director, prepared for his last workday July 31, it’s no surprise he’s maintained a full schedule to the very end. That focus is one reason he accomplished so much during his 30 years at Texas A&M College of Dentistry.

  • Well done, Major

    Hearty congratulations to Maj. Christopher Luevano, second-year pediatric dentistry resident.

  • Screenshot of the video. A woman being interviewded.

    Agape Clinic Patient Interview (video)

  • Daniel Maldonado, Lianna Pulliam and Anne Shedlosky

    A taste of research: Part 1

    Research took center stage this summer for participants in the Predoctoral Student Research Program at Texas A&M College of Dentistry, who spent eight weeks working in labs around campus. For a behind-the-scenes glimpse, we asked three groups of student researchers ...

  • wade barker

    Motivated to serve

    Dr. Wade Barker ’13, resident in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, began a three-year appointment to the Texas Dental Association Smiles Foundation board of directors on June 1. The foundation aims to improve access to dental care for underserved populations ...

  • Dr. Marie Latortue

    Progress notes

    Her patient that day was alone. She had no one in her life, not even any family or friends to list for emergency contact numbers on her medical history. Dr. Marie Latortue cautioned the woman that she needed to get ...

  • Latortue interview (video)

  • Dr. Roy Rinkle (left) and Dr. Kenneth Randolph (right) at the maxillofacial prosthetic center's exhibit during the Dallas Mid-Winter Clinic in 1971. Dr. Mack Charles Hughes (center), then a senior dental student, listens to one of the exhibit's tape recordings.

    A Rinkle in time

    Maxillofacial prosthodontist Dr. Roy Rinkle ’63 scans the faces encircling the 20-seat conference room table, taking in a who’s who of oral and maxillofacial surgeons, health care administrators and other specialists. The year is 1971. The occasion: an advisory council ...