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That little gold crown
The 2017 commencement speaker (and 40-year alumnus) on resilience and confronting change
HSDA creates scholarship for members
A robust fundraiser led to surplus funds for this student organization. Here’s more on what its members decided to do with the excess.
Smiles we remember
Lillie Coleman
College of Dentistry researchers receive $1.8 million to study FAM20B
Who knew omitting a gene necessary for cartilage development could cause extra teeth to form?
Dr. James Clay Fuselier, Class of 1993
Dr. James Clay Fuselier recently was installed as president of the Southwest Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons during the organization’s annual meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona. Fuselier received his dental degree from the college in 1993, went on to earn ...
When prescription drugs and saliva don’t mix
Some of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the U.S. — think any of the classes with the prefix “anti” — can have an unintended side effect. Here, Texas A&M College of Dentistry faculty and residents break down this cause of dry mouth and how they help patients cope.
Dr. Colin Bell, Class of 1979, 1984
The Texas Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons recently honored Dr. Colin Bell with the Dr. L. Jack Bolton Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Distinguished Service Award. The award was presented during the Southwest Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons annual ...
Research article leads to award for orthodontic alumnus
When Dr. Peter Truong completed the graduate orthodontic program in 2014, he might not have predicted his thesis research would glean recognition several years in the future. His study, “Effect of Longitudinal Flutes on Miniscrew Implant Stability and 3-Dimensional Bone ...
Sicher Award for 2016 orthodontic alumnus
Dr. Chris Cramer, who graduated from the orthodontic graduate program at Texas A&M College of Dentistry in 2016, received the Harry Sicher Research Award for work conducted during his residency. Cramer’s research, which focuses on the effects of micro-osteoperforations on ...
AAA fellow status for Dechow
Dr. Paul Dechow, Regents professor in biomedical sciences and associate dean for academic affairs, has been named a fellow of the American Association of Anatomists. He was recognized during the association’s Experimental Biology annual meeting awards dinner on April 25 ...
Canines on parade
What happens when the pooches of Texas A&M College of Dentistry students, faculty and staff strut their stuff for a fundraiser? Plenty of barks, ball catching and an ample dose of adorable.
Pomegranate packs a punch
Investigating a natural approach to the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease