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Community care
Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry alumni, faculty, students and staff work to improve public health. [...]
A day in their scrubs
Meet up-and-coming pediatric dentistry graduate student and now also family man, Zach Alleman, who, during his final year in dental school, adopted two baby boys. [...]
Christensen to present keynote lecture at 2014 Niessen Symposium
On May 23, Dr. Gordon Christensen, founder and director of Practical Clinical Courses and CEO of Clinicians Report Foundation, will provide the keynote lecture for the 2014 Linda C. Niessen Geriatric Dentistry Symposium at Texas A&M University Baylor College of ...
Alumni association welcomes new president
During the May 2 alumni association reception and general membership meeting in San Antonio, Dr. Carmen Smith ’96 officially concluded her yearlong term as president of the Baylor College of Dentistry Alumni Association, and Dr. Celeste Latham ’97 assumed the ...
Solomon receives TDA Service Award
Dr. Eric Solomon received the Texas Dental Association’s Service Recognition Award on May 3 during the organization’s annual meeting. Solomon, executive director of institutional research, provided analytic services to TDA’s Committee on Access, Medicaid and CHIP.
Orthodontic publication
Kraus C, Campbell P, Spears R, Taylor R, Buschang P. Bony adaptation after expansion with light-to-moderate continuous forces. American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 2014 May; 145(5): 655-666.
A day in their scrubs
Meet D4 fiancés Ari Valverde and Brad Vermeulen. [...]
Periodontics professor invited to speak at North Carolina hygienists’ meeting
Dr. Nancy Burkhart, adjunct associate professor in periodontics, presented a three-hour seminar titled “Oral Cancer, HPV and Oral Lichen Planus” to the Forsyth component of the North Carolina Dental Hygiene Association in Winston-Salem on April 29.
2014 Distinguished Alumnus
The honor goes to Dr. Scott Waugh ’74. [...]
No fluoride comes at great cost to dental health
Dallas residents have received the benefits of community water fluoridation for nearly 50 years. Whether they have dental insurance or not, adults and children who grab a glass from the tap at home or a sip from the water fountain at work or school absorb this mineral’s cavity-fighting protection simply by taking a drink.
The dentist and the sea
How Dr. William Tom Johnson ’65 became Captain Willy T. It’s a beautiful morning on the island of St. Croix. Millie and Dr. Tom Johnson relax at their kitchen bar, soaking up the October sun streaming in through the wall ...
TAMBCD alumni association to host reception, exhibit booth during TDA Annual Session
The Texas Dental Association Annual Session is May 1 through 4 in San Antonio. During the session, the Baylor College of Dentistry Alumni Association will host its general membership meeting and reception. Alumni are invited to the Grand Hyatt at ...