Texas A&M College of Dentistry

Recent Posts

  • $3.4 million grant funds new Center Of Excellence

    A Center of Excellence to advance diversity in faculty and students at A&M Baylor College of Dentistry has been established through a $3.4 million grant to the college from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers of Excellence ...

  • Endowed professorhip to honor Seale

    Dr. N. Sue Seale ’70, ’72 (Pedo) is the inspiration for a development initiative geared toward raising $500,000 to establish an endowed professorship that will support the Department of Pediatric Dentistry while honoring Seale’s unwavering dedication to improving children’s oral ...

  • Fellowship to honor Rees, advance stomatology center

    Stomatology is no mystery at A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, where the Stomatology Center in the Department of Periodontics has been solving countless challenging cases for nearly three decades. Dr. Terry Rees ’68 (Perio), professor and founding director, is still ...

  • Corporate gift funds new implant training program

    Just a few months into the new postgraduate surgical implant training program at A&M Baylor College of Dentistry, coordinator Dr. William Nagy is enthusiastic about its progress. “There’s no other program like it in the country,” says Nagy, professor in ...

  • Ceen’s career celebrated through new fund

    Dr. Richard F. Ceen, recently retired professor and program director of graduate orthodontics, is being honored by the establishment of a new endowment fund in his name to enhance excellence for the graduate orthodontic program. The Richard F. Ceen Endowment ...

  • Seidler noted for humanitarianism

    Dr. Kevin Seidler ’78 fills an 80-hour workweek; more than half that time is spent on something other than patient care at his office in The Colony, Texas. He devotes many hours to his labor of love as president and ...

  • A gift that changed a life

    Jessie Strauch-Steele’s story begins with a devastating auto accident in New Mexico. The year was 1969, she was 18, and she had just broken every bone in her face and lost eight upper teeth after being thrown through the car ...

  • Seventeen is a magic number

    Ask Dr. Ritu Rao ’03 about the inspiration for her Bizzy Tooth Mommy blog, and she may say it comes at nap time. Not hers. Her kids’. That’s because this busy mom and practicing dentist knows how to snag time ...

  • Hygiene graduate spawns family legacy

    Jean Riddle Moore, member of the Caruth School of Dental Hygiene’s first graduating class, is a woman with stories even more remarkable than her distinctive moniker. The 1957 graduate, now 80 years old, is revered by the Mount Pleasant, Texas, ...

  • A dental tradition

    Dr. Kelly Martinez Owen ’12, a resident in orthodontics, comes from a long line of Hispanic dentists. Her mother, Dr. Sylvia N. Martinez, is a dentist, and her grandfather, Dr. R.A. Navarro, was a dentist. That’s why receiving the $5,000 ...

  • NIH grants fund TMJ research

    A&M Baylor College of Dentistry’s Department of Biomedical Sciences has landed a $1.5 million National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research R01 grant for its study on estrogen and temporomandibular joint pain. Co-principal investigator Dr. Larry Bellinger, Regents Professor and ...

  • Dechow heads biomedical sciences

    On Oct. 1, 2012, Dr. Paul C. Dechow became the new chair of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at A&M Baylor College of Dentistry. Dechow has served the department as vice chair since 2009 and was director of the graduate ...