Texas A&M School of Dentistry

In the Community

Runathon hits new milestone

Student-led Miles for Smiles surpasses $90,000 in contributions to the college’s Social Services Dental Care Fund, translating to more than $150,000 in dental care

The Nov. 11 gathering didn’t mark the first time dental and predental student organizers of Miles for Smiles have presented a check to Texas A&M College of Dentistry Dean Larry Wolinsky and Director of Social Services Leeanna Bartlett. The novelty is the realization that this year’s donations bring the runathon’s total contributions to $90,755 since the first event in 2009. Because the dental school’s fees are significantly less than the customary private practice rate, this equates to $151,258 in treatment rendered.

The 2016 Miles for Smiles Runathon and Zumbathon generated $12,000 in pledges and donations, and with matching donations that total increased to $36,000. This year’s success is in large part thanks to more than 80 dental and predental student volunteers from universities across the metroplex who coordinated the effort, and to a partnership with the North Texas Hispanic Dental Association in heading up the Zumbathon portion of the June 11 event.

Proceeds from Miles for Smiles benefit the Social Services Dental Care Fund at the College of Dentistry, which helps patients in the Dallas area who are unable to afford their dental care.