Screening clinic moves to AEB

Texas A&M School of Dentistry’s screening clinic moved from the Clinic and Education Building (CEB) to the first floor of the Administration and Education Building (AEB) in August, creating an improved experience for patients and students.
The screening clinic is an important part of the school’s process for seeing patients, explained Dr. Bernard Hennessy, head of the Department of Comprehensive Dentistry. People wanting to be treated at the school must come through the screening clinic first. While they would like to treat everybody, Hennessy said, the school needs to accept patients who are “teaching cases.”
“The screening clinic is the entry point for almost all the patients who want to find a dental home at the school,” he said. “We’re looking for good teaching cases. Sometimes people who show up for dental care have needs that are a little too advanced for a dental student to address.”
Hennessy said the new clinic location will help the school screen more patients and will give students more clinical practice. Additionally, he said the new location will free up more dental chairs in the CEB, allowing students more space to learn.
“This project, with the dean’s support, really has the potential to help us increase our access to patients,” Hennessy said. “This will be a designated rotation for our dental students. At any given time 12 students will be on rotation for a week in the clinic. That allows them to get clinic time and helps them learn better. Overall, I think this is going to be a positive way to get more people to know about the school, get more people here and help our dental students have more patients to learn from.”
Brenda Linan visited the new clinic shortly after it opened with her family. She said the school has a good reputation, and it’s more affordable than a private practice.
“My father is a patient here, and now we’re searching for care for my mother and myself,” she said.
The screening clinic is open all day Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and half days Wednesday and Friday in the AEB, 3302 Gaston Ave., in Dallas. To make an appointment, call (214) 828-8981. There is a $114 registration fee and a $200 treatment deposit due at the first visit. For more information, visit the Screening Clinic webpage.