Texas A&M School of Dentistry

Faculty and Staff

20 years of service: Lillie R. Coleman, restorative sciences

This story was originally published in the Baylor Dental Record Online in June 2003.

In the 20 years Lillie Coleman, dental dispensing technician in restorative sciences, has worked at Baylor College of Dentistry, she has seen some major changes: The college went from a private to a public institution, and then it merged with The Texas A&M University System. However, the working environment has remained the same.

“There have been major additions to BCD, but I’ve stayed with the college because I enjoy working here, and I have many fun memories of my time here,” Coleman says. “My favorite memories are the departmental Christmas dinners, the award dinners and the diversity speakers who have visited the college.”

Coleman started working at BCD as a housekeeping supervisor in 1975 before moving to restorative sciences in 1983. Her primary duties include sterilization and dispensing dental materials and instruments to faculty and students.

“Over the years I’ve especially enjoyed working with my co-worker Kathy Ivie, lead dispensing technician, the faculty and the diverse student body,” Coleman said.

Coleman makes the most of her time away from BCD as well. An active member of the Nurses Guild at Ebenezer Baptist Church, she also enjoys cooking, crafting, gardening, fishing and antique shopping. Coleman has three children and three grandchildren.