Texas A&M School of Dentistry

On Campus

Stepping in

Faculty filling interim positions at the dental school

Texas A&M School of Dentistry has undergone leadership changes in several departments recently. Fortunately, the school has many  faculty willing to step in to keep things steady during a time of transition.

Dr. Deborah Foyle
Dr. Deborah Foyle

Dr. Deborah Foyle was appointed interim department head of endodontics on Sept. 1. She also serves as the interim department head of periodontics. Foyle has been a board-certified periodontist for 35 years, and brings to the position years of experience in private practice and in education. She has been with the School of Dentistry since 1995, formally joining the faculty in 2007.

Prof. Lisa Mallonee
Prof. Lisa Mallonee

Prof. Lisa Mallonee was appointed interim associate dean of academic affairs on Sept. 1. A licensed dental hygienist, Mallonee is a tenured professor, graduate program coordinator and a registered dietitian in the Caruth School of Dental Hygiene. Since 2016, she has held an appointed position on the Texas A&M Health Office of Interprofessional Education and Research Leadership Team as the School of Dentistry representative. Since 2020, she also has served as chair of the school’s APT Committee, which reviews appointments, promotions and tenures.

Dr. Madhu Nair
Dr. Madhu Nair

Dr. Madhu K. Nair was appointed as interim head of diagnostic sciences on Sept. 1. He also was the interim associate dean for graduate studies, and has been leading efforts to develop the International Advanced Standing Program for foreign-trained dentists at the school. Among his accomplishments, Nair was the founding program director for the Graduate Maxillofacial Radiology training program at University of Florida and went on to serve as the director of the dental school’s program.

Dr. Reginald Taylor

Dr. Reginald Taylor was appointed as interim associate dean for graduate and professional programs, effective Oct. 1. Joining the dental school in 2000, Taylor has been the director of pre-doctoral orthodontics. He is board certified in orthodontics and holds a D.M.Sc. in Oral Biology. Taylor has published more than 30 original articles, contributed to two book chapters as well as given oral presentations in both clinical and basic science research areas. He also has chaired and served on numerous master’s and Ph.D. committees.