Texas A&M College of Dentistry

On Campus

The bright side, Part 2

Welcome to daddy daycare: Quarantine hair; don’t care


Adam Hernandez, network engineer, Office of Information Technology

I’m still working from home, but my experience can be summed up in four words: “daddy daycare” and “quarantine hair.”

My daughter, Margot, is 10 months old and full of life. The main thing I’ve learned from this experience is how to master my mute button during conference calls. You never know when your child is going to start hooting and hollering at you for attention in the background.

What I’ve enjoyed most is having time to be more productive when otherwise I would have been commuting. It also makes me happy when people start to see the potential of electronic communication. For instance, in the last couple of weeks, my wife and grandmother both have had their first telemedicine sessions. It is wonderful to see how much we can accomplish without having to travel.

The bright side, Part 1

The bright side, Part 3

The bright side, Part 4

The bright side, Part 5

The bright side, Part 6

The bright side, Part 7