Texas A&M School of Dentistry

On Campus

The bright side, Part 7

My four-legged fitness instructor
Myra Spurgin has traded in her water aerobics class for chasing her rambunctious puppy around the yard and down the block.

Myra Spurgin, hematology technician, Department of Diagnostic Sciences

I miss my water aerobics classes, which are canceled while exercise facilities are all closed. Luckily, these days I get my heart rate up by chasing the newest member of our family, Bode!

This Cockapoo arrived in our home in early April, when he was 8 weeks old. He’s doubled in size to a whopping 11 pounds. We are sticking close to home until he is fully vaccinated and we’re not quarantined.

Bode, pronounced “beau-dee,” loves to play fetch, eat everything in the backyard and get belly rubs. He even has his own Instagram account: @bodethecockapoo.

The bright side, Part 1

The bright side, Part 2

The bright side, Part 3

The bright side, Part 4

The bright side, Part 5

The bright side, Part 6