The student chapter

Bringing ADEA to TAMBCD
Expect to see see more from the American Dental Education Association at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry, as the college now has a student chapter.
Work toward a TAMBCD chapter began last spring after D4 Michael Gerlach and D3 Clint Miller were elected as Southwest regional representatives to ADEA’s Council of Students, Residents and Fellows.
Soon after the fall semester began, permission to establish a chapter was granted. An advisor — Dr. Robert Spears, professor in biomedical sciences — was chosen and by Sept. 25, the first meeting was underway. The priority: Elect the 2013-2014 executive board.
Student officers include:
- DH1 class representative – Amanda Herrera
- DH2 class representative – Lauren Taliaferro
- D1 class representative – planned for spring election
- D2 class representative – Jack Pardo
- D3 class representative – Clint Miller
- D4 class representative – Michael Gerlach
- president/school representative – Clint Miller
- vice president – Jack Pardo
- secretary – Patricia Adesanya, D4
- treasurers – Blake Hemphill and Jiyoung Jung, D3s
The chapter will not focus solely on dental and dental hygiene students who plan to teach, but as the voice of dental education, ADEA offers members the ability to influence issues such as the impact of student loan debt and changing dental school structures and accreditation standards.
Miller and Pardo will travel to Oklahoma City Oct. 24-26 for the ADEA Fall 2013 Meeting, and plans are in the works for a November chapter meeting at TAMBCD.
–Jenny Fuentes