Texas A&M College of Dentistry

Alumni Impact

Watson award for orthodontic alum, volunteer faculty member


Congratulations are in order for Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry’s Dr. Aaron Swapp, ’12 (orthodontics) who received the 2016 Wayne G. Watson Award for Biologic or Experimental Research. The American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics gives the award to the authors of the highest-rated research article published in the magazine during the previous year. This year’s honor was presented during the annual meeting of the AJO-DO editorial board on May 1 in Orlando, Florida, which occurs in conjunction with the American Association of Orthodontists annual session.

Swapp collaborated with Regents Professor Dr. Peter Buschang, Robert E. Gaylord Endowed Chair Dr. Phillip Campbell, and former faculty member Dr. Robert Spears on the article, “Flapless Cortical Bone Damage has no Effect on Medullary Bone Mesial to Teeth Being Moved.”

When he is not volunteer teaching at TAMBCD, Swapp sees patients at the Dallas and Plano offices of Elvebak Orthodontics.

TAMBCD is one of two institutions recognized with the 2016 award, which was pronounced a tie. The other standout was the University of Washington. Dr. Lauren Carney, ’12 also an orthodontic faculty member, received the 2015 Watson award for research conducted while she was a graduate student.