Texas A&M School of Dentistry

On Campus

Williams receives teaching award

This article was originally published in the Baylor Dental Record Online.

Dr. Fred Williams, associate professor in biomedical sciences, was presented with the first Golden Apple Educator Award at the D1 luncheon on Aug. 12. The award was established by Dr. Rena D’Souza, chair of the department, to honor biomedical sciences faculty members for excellence in basic science teaching.

Williams received a golden brass apple trophy inscribed with his name and $1,000 for travel to a professional conference on educational technology. A plaque bearing his name and future award winners’ names will be hung in the Blanton Conference Room and Library on the college’s fourth floor.

Williams started teaching physiology at HSC­BCD in 1972 and since then has spent hours both teaching in class and meeting with students individually outside of class. Just one indicator of Williams’ influence on students’ learning: in 27 of the last 30 years, HSC­BCD student have scored highest in physiology on the Part I national board.

“Dr. Williams is a very special member of the biomedical sciences department, and we are honoring him for his many years of excellent teaching,” says D’Souza. “He serves as an outstanding example to other faculty of dedication to his profession and to his students.”

Williams (photo, center) was presented the award by D’Souza and fellow physiology teaching colleague Dr. Larry Bellinger, Regents Professor in biomedical sciences and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies.