Dental hygiene is 100. Let’s do lunch.

Joanne Allen and Jean Riddle Moore, ’57 Caruth graduates
What better place to celebrate the centennial than at a venue with the same name as the college’s dental hygiene school? On Aug. 9, the Caruth School of Dental Hygiene recognized the profession’s 100th anniversary at the Mabel Peters Caruth Center, located at Communities Foundation of Texas, which, appropriately, is on Caruth Haven Lane in Dallas.
More than 80 individuals gathered for the luncheon, including alumni, students, faculty, staff and special guests Patricia Wessendorff Londeree — Caruth’s first program director — and Dr. Sylvia Swords Gleaton ’79, daughter of the late Dr. Ruth Swords — a former program director from 1962 to 1982.