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Longtime partnership between Sen. Royce West and Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry brings Dallas college students to campus.
Metroplex college students gained direction in their prospective career paths during the 16th Annual Professional/Graduate School Seminar, held July 23 at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry.
Of the approximately 75 attendees, most are participants in the Dr. Emmett J. Conrad Leadership Program, sponsored by Sen. Royce West. Others are students in the program’s UT Southwestern Medical School internship and the Parkland Collegiate Fellow Program.
During the program, representatives from area professional and graduate schools shared information about what it takes to gain admission into their respective institutions and achieve success in their programs. Presenters also shared estimated costs with undergrads to give them an idea of the price tag associated with advanced training.
Dr. Ernie Lacy, executive director of student development and multicultural affairs, presented on behalf of the dental school.
Other institutions represented included:
- Paul Quinn College
- The University of North Texas at Dallas
- The University of Texas at Arlington
- SMU Dedman School of Law
- UNT Dallas School of Law
- UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
- Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
- U.S. Army Dallas Medical Recruiting Center
TAMBCD has hosted a number of the graduate and professional school seminars since 1999, when it was developed from West’s 1993 initiative to foster paid internship opportunities for students living in Senatorial District 23.