Our people

Title: clinic manager
Average workday: There is no such thing as an average workday! And that’s because of the large number of staff I work with and the different things they do. I work with the patient appointment associates for the D3 program and the program assistants, Ida and Liz, in making sure the scheduling is where it needs to be. I work with Dr. Gannaway, the comprehensive care program director, to ensure we are providing him the necessary support to roll out an effective program for the D3s. Then I work with the graduate prosthodontics group and their clinic coordinator on how they can best meet the needs of the residents. We’ve got 10 graduate students in the program, but we only have three dental assistants, so that can be a little challenging. Our lab technicians are pretty self-sufficient, but even so, I stay in contact with them, to keep them aware of what’s going on in the department. I also provide backup administrative support to the chair. We’re all here for the same purpose.
When you started working at the College of Dentistry: September 2016
Favorite part of your job: When I came here from UT Southwestern, dentistry was an area that I didn’t know anything about. We go to the dentist at least twice a year, but to know what really goes on behind the scenes, it opened up a whole new world of learning for me. I’m nerdy in that way because I like to know things. When it comes to Axium, what else can I get out of it? I can ask you to run a report for me, but can I do it for myself? If I can do it myself, let me run with it. What else can I do with the Axium report; how can I extrapolate that data and give users something that is meaningful to them?
I like the info sharing. It just really does a lot for me to know that I can share, that I can give something back. People will tell me things, and I’ll go home, and I’m thinking, “What can we do? How can we make this better? What can I contribute to the process to make it work for them?” It’s not always about me, but it’s about helping someone else. That’s what keeps it fun — learning and then being able to turn around and share that knowledge with someone else.
Something we may not know about you: I like baking. My daughter and I have a little sideline thing we call Heart to Home. It’s a baking business, and it comes from our hearts to your home. I bake. She’s my marketing manager.
That’s my downside. I can bake all night long. I baked cupcakes last night. It’s just relaxing. People are like, “Aren’t you tired?” I can sit and think. I’m an old-school girl so I love pound cakes. The holidays get really busy, and the house smells so good.
Editor’s note: This Q&A has been edited for clarity and length.