Our people

Title: environmental health & safety coordinator III
Average workday: The first thing I do is review my TAMU and TAMHSC emails to see what tasking or requests for information I have and prioritize them with other tasks on my calendar. Otherwise it depends on what is on my schedule for any given week. On Thursdays I handle the pickup of our biohazardous waste from labs and clinics by our MedSharps vendor, and on Fridays I inspect lab eyewashes and our fire protection system valves. Otherwise I may pick up hazardous chemical waste from a lab and enter waste tag information on my iPad program. If I have a lab cleanout, it may take several days to complete. Every year we have our annual university fire life safety and lab inspections that take three days, and I accompany the inspectors. Once I get the reports back, I may spend a week sending out department or person-specific sections by email, walking throughout our building to verify findings and sending out recommendations for correcting cited items. After 45 days I do follow-up inspections to verify corrections and repeat the initial cycle for items still outstanding. Basically, I get things done each day that need to be done.
When you started working at the College of Dentistry: Sept. 6, 1994
Favorite part of your job: working with such a great group of people for the last 24 years and remembering those who are no longer here
Something we may not know about you: I’m a retired Navy captain with 32 years of active and reserve service and was deployed four times after 9/11, including two tours in Iraq and one in Germany.
Anything else you’d like to add: My hobbies are Egyptology, mineral collecting, family genealogy and studying WWII history of the Pacific theater. And my wife, Susan, is a mystery novelist.