Step into spring with health and wellness initiative

The Resource Team at Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry will host a kickoff on March 17 for its “Stepping into Spring” initiative. This competition, which requires participants to track their steps with a pedometer from March 23 to May 3, may be completed as individuals or in teams of three.
Individuals qualify for a luncheon upon reaching 250,000 steps during the six-week time frame, and teams of three upon reaching 750,000 steps. Only TAMBCD staff members are eligible for prizes and the luncheon, but faculty, students and other college staff may participate.
Stepping into Spring: the details
Registration: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., March 17, Sixth Floor Foyer, Texas A&M University Baylor College of Dentistry
Rules: You must provide your own pedometer or step-counting device and record steps on the official tracking logs, which will be distributed to participants.
For additional information, contact Gail Parrigin-Clark via email or at 214-828-8921.